Why to learn TypeScript?

By Prajwal Haniya

Tech-letter #5 | January 7,2023

  1. Why learn typescript?

    The typescript wasn’t my preference until now. Recently I have faced several problems while building applications where I felt that having a types would be better. So started exploring typescript and here are few reasons why you need to start learning it:

    • Adds types to JavaScript
    • Write more cleaner and bug free codes. (Not really bug free, but better code with types)
    • The code readability will be far better.

    What more do we need to start with it!! The community has already started using typescript. The majority of open-source projects started preferring typescript. At least its my personal experience that I have noticed a hell amount of typescript projects. All your typescript code gets converted into JavaScript. So, it is recommended to learn the typescript.

    For more understanding read this article

  2. Understanding the new keyword under the hood

    The new keyword basically creates an empty object, replaces the prototype of an object with the newed functions prototype, and returns this if the function does not return its own object.

    This article has covered it deep click here

  3. What are prototypes in JavaScript?

    The object orientations is slightly different in JavaScript compared to other languages. In JavaScript the you can inherit the features through prototypes. It makes the code more reusable. There is much more to it, you can read it in the official MDN docs

  4. What is micro frontend architecture?

    micro-frontend is the word which I heard recently. So thought to explore this. Few of the articles that I have read related to micro frontends are: