programming types 👨🏻‍💻, git repo origin 🔗, system design overview ✍

By Prajwal Haniya

Techletter #58 | February 04, 2024

What is the difference between weakly, strongly, and statically typed programming languages?

What are shapes in typescript?

Shapes tell us more about the structural features of a type: types and names of properties of an object, types and names of parameters of a function, and types and indexes of elements in an array.

Taken an object

const Person = {
	id: 1802,
	name: 'Prajwal Haniya',
	lang: 'typescript',
	editor: 'vscode'

The shape of the above object will be

type Person = {
	id: number,
	name: string,
	lang: string,
	editor: string

How to change the origin of a local repository?

View the remote origin URLs

git remote -v

Imagine you already have a repository linked to bitbucket/ gitlab/ GitHub then you set the origin URL using the below command

git remote set-url origin REPO_ORIGIN

System Design: A brief overview

System design refers to defining, developing, and implementing systems that meet certain requirements. It involves requirements gathering, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

Functional vs Non-functional requirements

Functional requirements are the requirements that describe the specific features and functions that a system must have to meet its goals. It is related to the tasks that a system is designed to perform.

Non-functional requirements are the ones that describe how the system should perform.

Suppose a company is building an app for e-commerce then the functional & non-functional requirements are as follows:

Functional Requirements

Non functional requirements

High-level design vs Low-level design

High-level design is the process of defining a system’s overall structure and organization. It focuses on systems functionality, performance & scalability.

Low-level design is the process of specifying the details of how individual components of a system will be implemented. It focuses on systems reliability, testability, and maintainability.

Common components of a distributed system

Nodes: Nodes are the individual computers or servers that make up a distributed system.

Networks: is the infrastructure that connects the node that is LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network)

Middleware: A software that sits between the application and operating system providing features like message passing, remote procedure calls, and distributed file systems.

Protocols: rules for communicating between nodes. Examples: HTTP, TCP, & UDP.

Load balancers: help in distributing the incoming traffic.

Distributed Databases: are databases that spread across multiple nodes.

Security Mechanisms: help in protecting data and prevent unauthorized access.

CAP Theorem (Brewer’s Theorem)

The CAP theorem states that it is impossible for a distributed system to simultaneously provide all three that is consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.


Consistency is the idea that every read from the system returns the most recent write or an error. Ensuring consistency requires that all nodes in the system have access to the same data and that any changes to the data are propagated to all the nodes in a timely manner.


Availability is the idea that every requests will receive a response without guarantee that it contains the most recent version of the information.

Partition Tolerance

Partition tolerance is the idea that system continues to operate even when network partition occur. In a distributed system network partition occur when communication between two nodes is disrupted or a network link is broken.