Why Software Development Is Awesome?

By Prajwal Haniya

Building a software product isn’t an easy thing. It takes years of effort to build something that is mature enough to solve a problem. Yes, you can build a simple product in a week, but to make it smooth and scalable it takes a lot of design and development experience.

Software Product development is so satisfying because you learn something new every single day. It demands more than what you learned yesterday to solve a new problem. Maybe with experience, you will start to build the logic more quickly, but as a guy just starting out you will face many issues (bugs) in your application. So, you won’t be able to ship features as efficiently as a person with experience. No matter how good you are at DSA, it takes a different kind of approach while building an application that solves a problem.

It’s been more than 8 months that I have been coding extensively in JavaScript & there is not even a single day that I wasn’t satisfied. Every single day I learn something new or build something that can add value. So, at least for me, boredom doesn’t get occupied while building software products.

It takes a while and a good mentor for you to develop the skill of software development. You can start alone, but you need someone who can code along with you and mentor you so that you can be corrected whenever you take a vague path through your inexperience in building software products.

The incentives that you get for building a software product are huge. But, it’s not the case everywhere some companies may offer huge packages, and some way less. But, it’s fine if you are learning. I believe that eventually things get compounded so your skills. Skills can be developed only if you learn something every day or you are intensively working on it. It cannot be developed if you are learning very rarely, having less focus on that particular area of interest, or have no interest. The effort is mandatory, at least through experience I know it.

So, never be in a confusion about which language to learn. Pick a language that interests you and go in depth in that particular language. Every language is made for a reason. But, remember the demand are not the same. A product-building company may look for JavaScript developers whereas a data science company may look for a python developer. Not only learning a programming language is important but knowing your area of interest matters a lot.