Regional books are diminishing

By Prajwal Haniya

It isn’t easy to find readers these days. Short content and content creation speeds are significantly high.

The attention has become more valuable. Getting people to read books takes a lot of work. When there was no Internet, at least people used to read books, magazines, newspapers, etc. But, today, very few people read. Of course we cannot generalize, some people do read a lot as well.

But, we should cultivate the habit of reading books.

Today, I visited Sapna Book House, near my room in HSR. I couldn’t find much books in Kannada. Kannada books are significantly less available online. I think for Kannada as a language to grow we need more resources in current content. Or at least we need to make books easily available to the masses.

The more we use our language, it grows. Yes, the amount of books that I read in my regional language has been reduced a lot. All the technical books that I read are in English, so basically, finding any technical books in Kannada is not possible, even if you get a translated one, then it will be outdated.

For technical things, I think English is the best language. But, for literature and culture, it’s always the regional languages that dominate.

Regional languages are important, they must be used and must be carried for future generations.