People, Books, and Podcasts

By Prajwal Haniya

I usually listen to podcasts. Even though reading is faster, sometimes I listen to podcasts such as Joe Rogan podcast, Tai Lopez, or Tom Bilyeu. There are many of them that I listen to, I have my own podcast too. But, I have been not actively recording audio content, as I have felt that doing multiple things in different fields isn’t a good idea. Giving qualitative content is better than simply dropping the content.

There are millions of people who specialize in their own skill, listening to everybody or reading every book written by them is not possible. Even when reading, the books must be chosen carefully. If you are just starting out to read books, then it might be difficult to choose one. As you read many books, you will understand which content must be taken and which must not.

As humans, we all make mistakes. Taking advice may be good and bad at the same time. Do not ever take advice from the person who has nothing to lose when you lose but gains a lot when you win. He/she who is advising is just like an opportunist.

One of the good books that you can read is ‘The Almanack of Naval Ravikant’. This book can be downloaded freely on the internet. And listen to his podcast as well. Naval’s content is worth investing your time.