Prajwal Haniya

Problems to solve

There will always be ineffeciencies that can be made effecient. Humans built this new world full of tools, by solving the problems. We invented wheel to move easily, fire to keep ourselves warm and agriculture to solve the problem of food. So we are evolved problem solvers. If we look carefully there will always be problems that needs to be solved. Pick a problem if it is not solved previously, then it would be a good idea to build a solution for it.

Modify and Move

It’s important for us not to move away from the goal even during difficult circumstances. Certain times it feels like to skip what you are doing consistently for a long time. (Eg: writing)

There may come such a scenario, in such cases you can modify the plan, but not the end goal.

Room for improvement

There is always a room for improvement. If you think, you know everything about something, then you are stuck. There is always more to learn, more to improve. There are countless books that are written. So much wisdom, that I think it is impossible to explore everything in one’s lifetime. There will be so much to learn from one’s own life experiences. Keeping a room for improvement, will always push you to explore the unexplored.

Stop Worrying

Worrying doesn’t make sense. Sometimes, we can’t get out of it. There is quote If the problem can be solved, why worry? And if the problem can’t be solved, then worrying will do you no good. Shantideva Probably we need to force this thought now and then so that when the time comes to worrying, it shouldn’t bother us. So the more you listen or read to positive things, you will program yourself in that way.


The feeling of being owed will destroy our abilitiy to do great work. Here is a quote from the book ‘The Practice’ by Seth Godin “Working in anticipation of what you will get in return takes us out of the world of self-trust and back into never ending search of reassurance and the perfect outcome”. We need to put in the work, but don’t depend on the result. I believe result will show up, we should take care of only the direction of the effort.

Regional books are diminishing

It isn’t easy to find readers these days. Short content and content creation speeds are significantly high. The attention has become more valuable. Getting people to read books takes a lot of work. When there was no Internet, at least people used to read books, magazines, newspapers, etc. But, today, very few people read. Of course we cannot generalize, some people do read a lot as well. But, we should cultivate the habit of reading books.

Concentrating during distractions

You might have a habit of working in a place where there are no noises around. It’s very easy to concentrate in such places. But, imagine you are put in a place, where there are so much noise, but you don’t have a choice but to finish the work. You have to concentrate. So you need to adapt yourself. May be sometime you should train in such a way that you can concentrate in such places.

Reflect on your thoughts

Reacting immediately to a situation without thinking through is a bad idea. No matter your situation, you won’t be the first person to face it. Most of the time solutions exist. The only thing you need is patience. Many people I have seen lack patience and are not consistent enough. Even I have seen very few people who try to be consistent. You need to find something to do that can add value.

Rest, Recover, Restart

The feeling you get after you finish a task is priceless. I can’t explain it, but you know it. When you were going to school or college you used to get that feeling after you completed your exams. But, you can’t be in relief mode for a long time. This will lead to procrastination. There is a poem by Robert Frost “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, which I would like to quote here:

The concept of war room

I wasn’t aware of the concept of war room until now. War room concept is nothing but where people gather to make quick development and decisions. From few days, I am working at offce for more than 12 hours on a nodejs script, that automates certain things. I do feel, with programming we can build automation such that no one would need to do manual work. Of course, with ML and AI, this is going to be much quicker.
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